PH of Water

What Is Acidic Water?

What is acidic water? Is it good for drinking? Is it safe for the body? Read on for the ultimate low-down on low-pH water!

What Is Acidic Water?

What Are the Uses of Acidic Water?

When Is Acidic Water Suitable for Drinking?

Who Has Access to Acidic Water?

How Do I Know If I Have Acidic Tap Water?

Why Should I Care About the Kind of Water I Drink & Use?

Where Should I Go to Get My Tap Water Tested for Acidity & Alkalinity?

What Is Acidic Water? Your Questions Answered

What Is Acidic Water?

Let’s recap on pH values and why they matter. The acidity or alkalinity of a substance is measured on a pH scale, between 1 and 14. A pH value of 7 is considered neutral. If a substance has a pH level between 1 and 6.9, it is acidic. A pH level between 7.1 and 14 means that the substance is alkaline.

Acidic water has a pH reading below seven. Think about this: if you have ever tasted metallic water, there is a good chance it was acidic. Acidic water frequently carries high levels of heavy metals — lead, copper, and iron, for example.

Does that mean acidic water is bad for you?

We do not recommend drinking acidic water. As well as the concentration of heavy metals, acidic water is also linked to bone weakness and damage.

What Are the Uses of Acidic Water?

So why are we still fans of acidic water? Because while you should not drink acidic water, it still has a long list of brilliant uses around your home:

  • Acidic water (from Tyent ionizers) has precisely the same pH as your skin. This makes it the perfect Beauty Water for toning and refreshing your skin, without triggering breakouts or dryness.
  • Acidic water makes a brilliant final rinse when washing your hair.
  • Filtered Tyent acidic water may be used as an antiseptic for cleaning wounds.
  • Acidic water from your water ionizer can also be used to wipe over kitchen counters and bathroom sinks, for brilliant cleaning without chemicals.
  • Clean acidic water can be used for gardening, and it is especially good for watering acid-loving plants

When Is Acidic Water Suitable for Drinking?

Acidic water is never safe to drink.

When you drink acidic water, you take in high levels of heavy metals like copper, lead, and iron. Too many of these particles in your body may result in poisoning – and that’s only the short-term effect.

An acidic body is also more prone to diseases as a low pH is linked with a diminished and weakened immune system. Over time, an acidic body may be at higher risk of contracting infection, cancer, cardiovascular problems, metabolic disorders, and other organ issues.

A study conducted in 2018 reported that high acidity in the body (via an acidogenic diet) may impair the function of the kidneys and affect the acid-base balance in the body.

Who Has Access to Acidic Water?

Municipal tap water is usually acidic. Anyone with a running tap is likely to have access to acidic water – albeit unfiltered. Acidic water is also in some of the food and drinks we consume.

For example, sparkling soda is acidic, with its pH level at around 3 to 4. Sugar and white bread are also usually acidic.

Acidic bottled waters exist, too! A study carried out by the Journal of Dental Hygiene concluded that there are plenty of bottled water products in the market with low pH.

Water filtration systems can also produce acidic water. Tyent water ionizers, specifically, produce two separate streams of water – alkaline water and acidic water.

Tyent Alkaline Water is the perfect water for drinking. It is free from contaminants and replete with thousands of hydrogen molecules and potent antioxidants in every glass.

How Do I Know If I Have Acidic Tap Water?

One or more of these common signs indicate that your tap water might well be acidic:

  • Metallic taste
  • Smell of chlorine
  • Blue or green residue from iron or copper pipes
  • Corrosion in metal pipes

The simplest way to test your water is by getting a litmus paper or pH paper testing kit to conduct the test at home. These kits generally have a color scale that will help you determine the pH levels of your water. Or you can use pH drops from a pH test kit.

To make life easy, you can order a Tyent pH Testing Kit right here.

Why Should I Care About the Kind of Water I Drink & Use?

Water is right up there with the most important things you can put into your body.

Water keeps your skin healthy, helps you to stay hydrated, maintains healthy blood flow, and aids digestion, among many, many other functions.

The type of water you drink and use every day is directly linked to health and well-being. Clean, safe drinking water helps to keep your loved ones safe from the effects of contaminated water. Acidic water can help keep your home clean and sparkling, and your skin radiant.

Enjoy alkaline water for daily drinking and to keep you hydrated during your workout and use clean acidic water for your beauty regimen – it’s perfect for removing makeup or concocting your own skin toner.

Acidic water works with plants as well. Hydroponic gardening is best paired with water with pH levels around 5.5 to 6.5 — but make sure you use clean water, free from chemical waste, viruses, and bacteria. Acidic water from a Tyent water ionizer is filtered through Tyent’s dual filters, which remove over 200 contaminants.

Where Should I Go to Get My Tap Water Tested for Acidity & Alkalinity?

If you want detailed results, consider sending your water samples to a laboratory. You can also obtain a FREE Water Report from Tyent, by simply clicking here.

Filtering out organic and chemical compounds and particles from tap water with a reliable water filtration system means that you get safe cleaning water and chemical-free Beauty Water.

Tyent is the market leader in water ionizer technology for the home. Our high-quality customer service and water ionizer products are trusted by individuals and businesses alike. Alongside that, we are proud of our multiple certifications and lifetime guarantee.

Why not call up our friendly team to find out more? Whether you want the perfect cleaning water or healthy, safe, delicious drinking water, we want to hear from you!

Give us a shout out in the comments section below!

This blog was first published on May 13, 2019, and has been updated for accuracy in 2023.